
Wood Bleach
wood bleach

wood bleach

Wood Bleach will only work on bare wood.Circa 1850 Wood Bleach is a powerful two-component bleach for wood. For instance, if it is desired to change mahogany wood into a lighter shade, such as teak, oak or pine, then Rustins Wood Bleach will make the mahogany white. It can then be stained to the required colour with a wood stain. If wood is to be left as light as possible in colour after bleaching.

Brush the solution (still hot for best results) over the entire surface, not just over the stains.Let the solution dry back to crystal form. There aren’t any shipping restrictions.To use oxalic acid, first strip the surface to be sure there’s no finish or wax blocking the penetration of the bleach.Dissolve the crystals in very hot water until no more will dissolve they just sink to the bottom. Unfortunately, this useful product can be hard to find in stores, but it’s easily available from web sources, including Amazon. The effectiveness of oxalic-acid bleach is clear from this after picture.Oxalic acid comes in crystal form for you to dissolve in water. 2 part (A/B) bleach is an oxygen bleach and the two components are either mixed right before application or part A is flooded on.

Curiously, an inaccurate way of neutralizing using vinegar got started in woodworking magazines many decades ago and was repeated over and over. But I’ve never had a problem finishing wood with just a water-neutralizing rinse. Wash the surface several times to be sure you have removed all the crystals and to neutralize the acid in the wood.You can further neutralize the acid by adding a little baking soda or household ammonia to water and washing with it. Don’t brush the crystals into the air they will cause you to cough and choke if you breathe them.

It’s usually very superficial. If a light brown mark remains, you can sand it out easily. You don’t neutralize an acid with another acid!A second or third application of the oxalic-acid solution to the wood after it has dried may help if the stains are stubborn.

wood bleach